Hoi An, Vietnam. Sue Tsang, 2010.

Thursday 25 August 2011


Shit. I was killing myself. There was 5 of us. We all came to meet this lady who was selling her bike. She wanted rid of it because every time she went round a corner, she'd fall off it. Yup.

We all wanted this bike so we kept straight faces while she shared her fallingoffroundeverycorner anecdote. I was struggling. Sometimes stuff is just so much funnier when you know you can't laugh out loud about it. I was ready to explode inside. The image was too much.

Biting my lip, focusing on the table.

I knew not to make eye contact with anyone. Laughing inside. I looked up. Bad mistake. I caught one of the guys. I made eyes with one of the guys, and I just lost it. Shiiiii. Ohmygoodness, I was crying. There was tears.

The woman glared at me. I felt a bit bad that I had disrupted her story. She didn't need to say anymore. We were hooked.

I can't even really remember what the bike looked like but it was nice. Kinda metallic blue road bike. It had a kick stand. I remember that. Why do I remember that? Nice slender frame, it looked good.

I tuned back into the conversation, and the woman was going on about how she was going to sell the bike to the person who she felt had the biggest connection with the bike. The price was fixed. Much like those trendybastard fixed gear bikes (although I secretly want one, a lot).

The whole time no one questioned why the woman got thrown off the bike round each corner. We just assumed it was the woman.  She fixed her eyes on me now: how old are you, she questioned, like 40?

I was shocked by this guess. Everyone always guesses younger. I look young. Somehow her question made me angry. I was raging, eh. No idea why. No, you silly old woman, I outbursted, I'm 24. I felt so offended. I have no idea why. I was MORTIFIED, for no real reason.

I immediately knew I had lost the bike just then. Don't piss off the old woman who you want the bike off for goodness sakes!

Who falls off their bike going round a corner anyway?