Hoi An, Vietnam. Sue Tsang, 2010.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

The Loft, yoga studio, Auckland

I've done quite a few yoga session since I left on my travels in September.

From a studio set in the serene surrounding of paddy fields and beautifully fresh air, in Ubud, to an air conditioned studio in one of Singapore's many, many malls.  The world class instructors make up for the lack of atmosphere in the latter.  But all in all, it's been pretty good, and varied.

I have found a nice wee studio in Auckland.  It's called The Loft but I'm pretty certain there is another floor above it.  Anyways, for $17 ($14 for students) you get a 75 min yoga session, dinner AND dessert.  Absolute treat!  It's all vegan food so it's all round goodness.

Monday's Vinyasa class is worth checking out.  It's in the smaller room so only fits like 12 people but it's great, and a bit more challenging which I like.  Miki teaches this class.  She is a quirky Japanese girl who effortlessly demonstrates some positions, and says things like 'if you've never done this position before... watch the person in front of you' for others.  Lucky the person in front of me knew what they were doing.  I'm still trying to learn all the different names.  The small room is literally 6 mats wide, and 2 deep.  Intimate.  I like it.

Tuesday's Ashtanga class is good too.  Miki again.  I've been a few times, and the class size seems to vary a lot.  It's in the larger room. The first time I went, it was packed out, I think someone even had a mat in the changing room at the back! I wasn't a fan of the crowded class at first, thinking they were packing too many people in but I kinda forgot about it throughout the practise, and I've been back since so all good.  Second time, the class was a better size.  Heaps of sun salutations, balancing poses, stretches.  A good balance, and at a decent pace too.  Mat hire is free, and there's loads of blankets for relaxation at the end.  THEN it's dinner time.

Food food food.  Vegan isn't a lifestyle I have ever really considered.  I've done a vegetarian challenge but never vegan.  Every time I've been to the Loft though they've cooked up something different (from the last time), and tasty, and it all seems pretty simple too.  Portion sizes are huge.  They make these delicious chocolate brownies but without the chocolate.  They use carob.  I hadn't even heard of carob before but it's tasty as.  A tasty vegan friendly chocolate alternative!  I kinda joked that the girl next to me got a bigger piece than me, and she was like, we can swap, I like the corner slabs anyway, and that made me go hmm maybe the corner slab is better, maybe I'll keep it.  I ended up with both pieces cos she was so full after dinner, hahah.  Treat!  Hopefully carob is good the next day too.

I believe Wednesday, Thursdays are hatha classes, I've not tried them yet but the website will tell you more about the classes.

See you there!

NEXT: I'm keen to try Bikram yoga, and also laughing yoga.  I'll be back.

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