Hoi An, Vietnam. Sue Tsang, 2010.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Spin class- to hell and back.

No more beach volleyball, no more yoga classes beside rice paddies, no more swims in the sea... such good times, I love all that stuff but its harder now I'm in the city.

I got a free week's trial at one of the gyms here so I was like, let's goooo. I get such a buzz from training, and I love pushing myself so after a quick tour of the gym, I decided to join the spin class.

I picked the seat closest to the door, and it was relatively close to the stage where the instructor's bike was. I was introduced to the instructor and since it was my first time, she helped me set up my bike with the right height for the seat, handlebars and making sure there was a good distance between the two. She strapped my shoes in real tight. There was no escaping, I had no choice but to just spin with it.

On each bike there is a knob which you turn to change the intensity of the rotations, and throughout the class, the instructor talks you through imaginary hills, turning the intensity up and taking you off your seat, or lowering the intensity to seated sprints. It was pretty intense. I could feel the burn very soon into the class.

This girl's imagination was hilly for sure. It was ok for the most part but I did feel like I was cycling through HELL for a while. 'Ok, this is just a short hell guys, let's push it!' she had SO much energy, encouraging us, singing?!?, and her legs were non stop. Meanwhile, my legs were working slower and slower. I'm not exaggerating when I say, it was like death. Spinning to a slow death, and I was thinking about bailing at one point but I couldn't. I hate that stuff, giving up, so I kept on pushing on. I took it easy on one of the hills, in that I imagined a flat one haha just so I could recover a little then I joined in for the next round. Made a huge difference and I kept up until the end. The instructor didn't even stop long enough for a photo at the top of these hills. She was buzzing!! Very inspirational.

All this lasted for about 50 minutes. I was a little worried at the end when climbing off my bike that I would fall straight off it like Bridget Jones' but my legs were not too wobbly at all, and after some stretching my legs felt fine. For now. My butt hurts from the seat though which is not ideal.

I struggled through that class but it has just made me realise that I need to improve my fitness. Workinonit like Dilla. And after all that bitchin, I think I will do another one. It should always be a struggle because you're pushing yourself but maybe next time I can do it without taking a round out.

Thanks to Chris for the coffee, and pep talk beforehand.

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